
Electronic Music and Two Poems

Goodnight my shadows…

Summer’s glows across petal meadows;

Green smooth flows – a haze so welcomed.

Guitar chords and bended strums

shift sways as tobacco fills my lungs.

Intoxicating love mows soft on grass-like stilts,

as the cows’ moos parade the distance.

I listen to still corners, I listen to creatures of a dream-stance,

as I become tall like the surrounding plants.

I beg forgiveness for smoking out of a wooden pipe,

and for the paper rolls I’ve set alight.

Energy’s rolls smoothen a swirling ball of tentacles – glistening.

I apologise for those timid anenomes once touched

and the meat I’ve eaten in the distanced past.

Splashed sun flow leapt across the lapping tips of a sea’s rooftop glow,

akin to tiles staggered and stacked, albeit slipping up and down; in and out; to and fro.

The starbeam wrenched open the fluff’d couds, as it split the domed prism

with a smooth gliding ease, which gleaned its manta ray spirit body across the bedding wakes,

and into those navy depths, where those fish, fluorescent, and those with entrapping bulbs above their heads

never saw the mystic beauty of the warm white sphere, but perhaps felt the tug of the manta and the leopard spirit

bound to the crater cascaded Moon.

Also try XXYYXX’s full self-titled album..